Baby Skincare 101

The Biology Of a Baby’s Skin

A baby’s skin is structurally and physiologically different from adults and is considered very sensitive. When you see a newborn, you might observe wrinkles and scales that remove after the first week of birth because of a protective coating called Vernix caseosa.

The first and foremost key point to consider for skin sensitivity is the environmental shift that the newborn experiences, that is from aqueous to non-aqueous. Therefore, the skin continues to develop after birth as the skin cells and collagen fibers are thinner than that of adults.

Statistically, the outer layer called the stratum corneum of a baby’s skin is 30% and the epidermal layer, which is the second layer of skin, is 20% smaller than the adults’ skin. There is also less lipid content in an infant’s skin as compared to the adults because of low sebum levels that lead to dehydration of the skin.

Melanin: All Babies Have It

A skin pigment called melanin is found to be less in infants than in adults. The function of melanin is to protect the skin from harmful UV rays, which is why in early infant-hood, babies often suffer from sunburns. According to the statistics provided by various researchers, the pH of baby skin is 6.34-7.5, which is higher than those of adults.

One may ask that what is pH?

So, as the name suggests, it shows the power of hydrogen, as hydrogen defines the alkalinity and acidity of a component. The more the pH the more alkaline a compound is. The acid mantle of the skin in adults makes the pH to be acidic which protects from microbes, skin rash, and sensitivity, unlike infants who have alkaline nature of the skin.

The Umbilical cord

Another matter of concern arises when the umbilical cord is cut after birth. The umbilical cord is present in a mother’s womb, which is a narrow tube-like structure that serves as the connection between the fetus (baby) and the placenta. It serves as the means of nutrient transfer from the mother to the fetus. The belly button on your body is the site where your umbilical cord was once cut! When you bring your baby home, the cord is still there and will fall off eventually after 1 to 3 weeks. It is essential to keep in mind that it will dry up on its own and there is no need to pull it off, which can create further problems. Many studies have been conducted on newborn cord care practices and they suggest that due to the sensitivity of the baby’s skin and malpractices of cord cutting, it could lead to umbilical infections and even death in some cases. Therefore, unhygienic practices must be avoided.

Soaps and Lotions

Since babies’ skin are sensitive and fragile, many parents are concerned about which soap and lotion are safe for cleansing and moisturizing purposes. To answer this question, let us look at the composition of soaps and lotions. Soaps are made from a process known as saponification and so, are made from a combination of oils and fats with a strongly alkaline solution. The cleansing agents or the surfactants in the soap, such as sodium lauryl isethionate and cocamidopropyl betaine, adhere to the dirt and oils on the skin and washes them away.

Just as soap contains various chemicals to serve its purpose, lotions also contain chemicals under the categories of emollients, emulsifiers, fragrances, humectants, occlusives, and pH adjusters. Coming back to the question of whether synthetic or chemical-based soaps or lotions are safe to use for babies? The answer is neither “yes” nor “no” because this depends on the product that you are using and the skin sensitivity level of the infant.

Many baby soaps and lotions are minimally toxic, so the companies that are manufacturing those products claim their products to be safe and gentle on the baby’s skin. However, many pediatricians advise not to use any of such products for babies. The reason is that a baby’s skin contains fewer oils and using soaps will wash them away, which is the common reason for eczema in babies.

Protect your baby's skin: Avoid These Toxic Ingredients

Parents should be aware of the products they are choosing for their infant. They should carefully look for the ingredients of the product and look for the toxic substance present in the soap. Examples of such ingredients to avoid include;

Polyethylene or Polyethylene Glycol.

As a nursing mother, you should stay away from products that contain such ingredients as they are known to be harmful agents in any baby product. This is because it tends to cause an allergic reaction, skin irritation, and also a possible carcinogen.


Phthalates are used in synthetic or chemical-based soap products for artificial fragrance and they have been liked to various health issues such as sex hormone disruption, reduced sperm count, and reproduction malformation; in short, they are considered endocrine disrupters.
Moreover, the choice of the product should also be based on including the less fragranced product to provide less chemical exposure to your baby.


 In early times, there was no trend of diapers and so babies’ did not develop gonadal problems. Therefore, an expert pediatrician’s advice should be taken into account for the choice of diaper. Since nearly all diapers contain tributyltin, which is a very toxic compound, the simplest way to avoid tributyltin is the use non-toxic biodegradable diapers or cloth diapers.

DMDM Hydantoin

Baby lotions, like any other lotions, are used to keep the skin moisturized, and hydrated and to avoid dry skin. Unfortunately, many baby lotions are doing more harm than good and provoking health issues. DMDM hydantoin is added to skin moisturizers to extend their life and reduce bacterial growth; it releases formaldehyde which is a known carcinogen that causes respiratory irritation that leads to nervous system damage; moreover, it has also been linked to allergic and skin reactions and immune system stress.

Benzene Derivatives

Many detergents and cloth conditioners have artificial fragrance compounds such as carcinogenic substances like benzene derivatives, aldehydes, and neurotoxins like toluene. One can avoid this by opting for natural fragrance products and using plant-based essential oils to delicately scent products. Also, cloth conditioner is not necessary when the clothes are clean, try to avoid chemical exposure as much as you can because such products contain numerous irritants that have many adverse effects.

Artificial Coloring

According to a source, the synthetic colors added to the baby lotion have been linked to skin irritation, ADHD and cancer as well.


This is another compound that is present in almost 40% of lotions. This petroleum-based synthetic chemical has been linked to acne and other skin conditions as it clogs the pores and impairs skin function.

So the question arises what to use if not synthetic or chemical-based skin lotions?

To answer this, experts say that only organic products, some safe herbal extracts, or talc-free powders should be applied. Just as organic soaps are recommended instead of synthetic or chemical-based ones, similarly, organic lotions are best advised for the diaphanous skin of your baby. Organic lotions include 100% pure and natural products including shea butter, coconut or almond oil, beeswax, Aloe Vera or vegetable glycerin, and other natural products. A product having 100% organic compounds, will not damage the skin nor do any other harm and will penetrate the skin deeply and moisturize it well.

Organic skincare: A Healthy Alternative

Organic skin care products for babies should be taken into account very seriously and the choice of product depends upon the parents solely, therefore; search into the manufacturers and the company that they are buying the product. This is because the regulations for organic skin care products are not adequate. After all, many of these companies sell petroleum-based baby oils, and as mentioned above, they clog the pores and aggravate skin conditions. Only vegetable oil-based products such as almond oil, sunflower oil, etc. should be used on the delicate skin of babies.
Experts advise using organic soaps as they contain animal fat or vegetable oil, 100% pure lye, distilled water, skin-safe fragrance oils, and optional colorants. They have fewer chemicals and contain natural ingredients that are safe to use on your baby’s soft, delicate and pure skin. Skin sensitivity level should always be kept in mind, as your infant might be allergic to any component present in any soap, you can simply run a patch test and see if there is a reaction or allergy from the product or not.

Mothers role in healthy baby skin

Another healthy skin care practice is holistic skincare which is an ancient practice that centers upon the idea that your skin reflects what is going on inside of your body. Infant skin care should begin right when a mother conceives the child, because a mother’s internal chemistry, diet, and stress levels have a direct impact on the child’s health and also the skin which is a major organ in the human body.

This is because the baby develops inside the womb of the motherr, so as the first and initial home for the baby, the womb is where the baby gets access to the nutrients for development. Surely, synthetic skin care products include many chemicals inside them and can be partially absorbed into the blood and can cause problems for the baby. Therefore, during pregnancy, chemical exposure should be avoided as much as possible.

A healthy Diet :Inside Out Approach

Mothers should consume healthy diet and avoid stress to maintain healthy skin for both herself and her baby. Keeping the holistic approach in mind right after the birth of the child, the mother should keep maintaining her healthy diet while breastfeeding so the breast milk will contain more nutrients for the child. This only occurs when the diet of the mother is a healthy one.

As the baby grows and starts taking some soft foods, a healthy diet should be kept in mind. Try to give your baby all the natural food and not the preserved foods that contain the salts and chemicals for preservation. Giving your child food rich in minerals and vitamins will help him/her maintain both a healthy body and skin.

Baby Clothing.

Mothers should consume healthy diet and avoid stress to maintain healthy skin for both herself and her baby. Keeping the holistic approach in mind right after the birth of the child, the mother should keep maintaining her healthy diet while breastfeeding so the breast milk will contain more nutrients for the child. This only occurs when the diet of the mother is a healthy one.

As the baby grows and starts taking some soft foods, a healthy diet should be kept in mind. Try to give your baby all the natural food and not the preserved foods that contain the salts and chemicals for preservation. Giving your child food rich in minerals and vitamins will help him/her maintain both a healthy body and skin.

Common Baby Skin Care Conditions

The following are some of the skin conditions that are commonly faced by infants because of the chemical exposure present in various synthetic skin care products:

Diaper rash

It is one the most common condition among infants which occurs due to the warmth and moisture in wet and dirty diapers. It is categorized by the presence of a mild red rash with bumps or blisters. This can be avoided by frequently changing the diaper and leaving the bottom of your baby naked for a while to let the air pass and give some oxygen. If the rash doesn’t improve and the skin begins to break then you should visit a consultant.

Baby acne

More than 30% of newborns face this condition which is categorized by the appearance of tiny pimple-looking bumps. They appear in the first two or four weeks after birth because of the transfer of some hormones from the mother to the child. If they appear later, then it’s possible that it occurred due to the application of petroleum-based skin care products. This acne disappears on its own; care is required just in terms of cleaning of skin and avoidance of lotions and oils.

Contact dermatitis

It looks like an outbreak of red itchy bumps that are likely to occur because of any skin irritant such as soap, detergent, or perfume. To treat this condition, avoidance of the irritant is recommended, and cleaning of the skin with lukewarm water and then application of organic oil to soothe and relieve the skin. If still you see no improvement, then contact your healthcare provider.

Cradle cap

Due to transfer of pregnancy hormones to the baby, it sometimes causes the glands to secrete more oil, which leads to the appearance of greasy, yellowish, and scaly patches over the scalp and sometimes over the area around the eyebrows as well. It also occurs due to the application of synthetic baby oils that clogs up the pores. The cradle cap usually disappears on its own after a few weeks or months. You can relieve the baby from the itchiness due to scaly flakes with the help of the application of vegetable oil or coconut oil overnight and then washing it in the morning.


About one in five babies develops eczema. This skin condition is described as dry and patchy areas on the skin which can also turn red or crusty. Eczema is a very common skin condition due to harmful cleansing agents in soaps and can occur on any part of the body. Mild cases of eczema can be treated with an application of vegetable oil to keep the skin moist, however, if there is no improvement then your doctor can help with this condition of your child.


This is a skin condition in which red, itchy, and swollen patches appear on the skin and vary in size. It is a common skin condition that’s usually an allergic reaction to some foods or medicines or also it can be caused due to viral infections. To treat the condition, avoid certain foods or medicines that are causing the reaction to the skin and immediately seek medical advice.

Knowing When To Get Medical Help

If a skin condition does not improve within a few days, spreads, becomes oozy, or your baby develops a fever, this is a sign of infection and it is time to see a doctor. This is because some skin conditions can be a sign of other serious diseases. Many other skin conditions are either caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungi. For such skin conditions, there is nothing that you can do on your own to treat them and medical advice is necessary. However, you can avoid such conditions by practicing good hygienic measures, use of sterilized toys and feeders for your baby, choosing organic skin care products that are chemical-free, and last but not least maintaining a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle not only boosts up your and your baby’s immune system but also gives mental satisfaction and lowers stress levels.

12 Points To Remember

  1. Avoid soaking up your baby in soapy water for a long time, this practice is not safe for both infants and adults as well because this can cause urinary tract infections and irritate the urethra, especially in females.
  2. Adult and infant skin are structurally and physiologically different from one another. The pH of the adult is more acidic than that of the babies due to the acid mantle that is present in the adult because of the secretions of sebaceous glands.
  3. A skin pigment called melanin is also found to be less in infants than in adults. The function of melanin is to protect the skin from harmful UV rays.
  4. When you bring your baby home, the umbilical cord is still there. It will fall off eventually after 1 to 3 weeks. It is essential to keep in mind that it will dry up on its own and there is no need to pull it off, which can create further problems.
  5. The first and foremost key point to consider for skin sensitivity is the environmental shift that the newborn experiences, that is from aqueous to non-aqueous.
  6. Experts advise using organic soaps as they contain animal fat or vegetable oil, 100% pure lye, distilled water, and skin-safe fragrance oils. They contain natural ingredients that are safe to use on your baby’s soft, delicate and pure skin.
  7. As a parent, you should be aware of the products that you choose. You should carefully look for the ingredients of the product and look for the toxic substance present in the soap. If any product includes the ingredient of polyethylene glycol, then you should stay away from that product as they are known to be harmful agents in any baby product as it is likely to cause an allergic reaction and also a possible, a carcinogen.
  8. Organic lotions include 100% pure and natural products including shea butter, coconut or almond oil, beeswax, Aloe vera or vegetable glycerin, and other natural products. A product having 100% organic compounds, will not damage the skin nor do any other harm and will penetrate the skin deeply and moisturize it well.
  9. Various skin conditions in babies such as diaper rash, baby acne, contact dermatitis, cradle cap, eczema, and hives are due to harmful toxins present in chemical-based products.
  10. Babies do not require much skincare as the skin is continuously developing and is very sensitive to a variety of products. Much of the skin condition of babies can be avoided easily by the use of less chemical-based synthetic skin care products and replacing them with the use of organic and herbal extracts, holistic skin care practice, and by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.